Monday, January 9, 2017

New Year's Goals

This semester, I will plan for all long-term projects between one or two days after receiving them in order to eliminate procrastination. 
  • First, I will read through the assignment to make sure I understand all of the requirements.
  • Then, I will plan out what I will do each week, taking into account any appointments or responsibilities I have scheduled.
  • After that, I will make a tentative day-by-day schedule (keeping in mind that there will be unexpected changes, but I will still have to get everything planned for that week done).
  • Once I make this plan, I will follow through with it. I will make sure not to make excuses in order to push each week's tasks to the weekend, instead sticking to my day-by-day schedule. If I do have to put off anything that day, I will make sure to complete it the next day.
This semester, I will participate in anatomy each day to the best of my ability so I can maximize the amount of things I learn in this class.
  • Each class period, if applicable, I will speak up and answer questions at least three times.
  • If working on a group project, I will make my opinions and ideas known, and participate at least as much as the others in my group.
  • I will always strive to pay attention, take good notes, and complete assignments on time and with maximum effort (I will be able to tell when I am just trying to get something done from when I am genuinely trying to do well).

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